#jealous arthur
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justaz · 8 months ago
that one deleted scene where merlin compliments percival and arthur takes him down, then merlin compliments gwaine and arthur takes him down, the merlin insinuates they’re letting him win so arthur challenges elyan and wins. merlin laughs after arthur stomps away and then lancelot comes over to chide him and complain and merlin laughs and says that arthur is just so predictable. out of the corner of his eye he can see the king returning so he flutters his eyelashes and places his hands on lancelot’s arms to squeeze his muscles and goes “and you’re all big, strong men. i’m sure you can take it” lancelot stares, confused, but can’t say anything before arthur plows right through them and grabs a weapon before dragging lancelot onto the field with him. lancelot turns to look over his shoulder with a betrayed look and merlin just waves back with a grin. arthur wins. leon sighs tiredly from beside merlin, scaring him bc he didn’t see the knight make his way over to him. leon doesn’t say anything but just gives merlin his Disappointed Mom stare and merlin mutters an apology
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quinnoliver · 9 months ago
Merlin: *takes off his neckerchief to treat Gwaine 's wounds*
Gwaine: Merlin
Merlin: what
Gwaine: yes
Merlin: yes what?
Gwaine: I will marry you -
Arthur: GWAINE
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yellowpamonha · 1 year ago
The extremely jealous Arthur mentioned in this post, video by @sirleoninsunglasses on tiktok
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boggywitchin · 8 months ago
Merthur prompt (inspired by another prompt I saw a while back)
Merlin accidently drinks a love potion meant for Arthur and now he's in love with some court lady. Everyone else thinks Merlin is just being a silly little guy(tm) with a silly little crush, but Arthur immediate drags his besotted manservant to Gaius demanding to know what's wrong with him. They figure out what's happening and bring the court lady to Gaius's chambers for more information, but she doesn't know anything beyond the potion was to make who ever drank it madly in love with her. Trying the age-old cure, the court lady and Merlin kiss (because Merlin insists that *she's* his true love), but of course it doesn't work.
Cue everyone in the castle/lower town lining up to kiss Merlin (Gwaine is first to volunteer) while Arthur just silently seethes in the corner trying to justify his feelings of jealousy as somehow platonic. Whether out of exasperation or some soft sitting-by-the-fireplace scene while Merlin waxes poetically about love and heart break, Arthur realizes things. They kiss and the spell is broken. He then has to splutter out a bunch of excuses to explain to a very confused Merlin why their faces are inches apart and why he can't remember anything after sneaking some wine earlier.
Everyone accepts that the potion must of worn off and that's why Merlin is back to normal. Now if only they could figure out why Arthur blushes every time he looks at his manservant...
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ink-through-her-veins · 2 years ago
Arthur isn’t an idiot. He knows Merlin’s clothes and he has never seen this pale blue monstrosity of a shirt on Merlin in his life. Plus it’s too big to be Merlin’s. Merlin’s lithe and lean and pale and beautiful—the point is, Arthur knows the tunic isn’t Merlin’s.
“Who’s clothes are these?”
Merlin looks away, like he always does when he lies. And then he proceeds to lie to Arthur, again.
“They’re mine. I washed them special.”
Arthur can’t just shout that he knows he’s wearing Lancelot’s tunic nor can he demand to know why Merlin still has it. With a huff he pulls on the cloak that he recognizes as actually belonging to Merlin and tries not to make it obvious that he’s trying to bury his face in it so he smell Merlin on it.
Later after Gwen offhandedly asks, “Isn’t that Lancelot’s tunic?” Arthur burns the shirt and considers it only fair that he keeps the cloak.
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oh-merthur-charm · 11 months ago
Gwaine: *Offers Merlin a flower* Well done on all your hard work. Merlin: *Admires it* Oh, Gwaine. You shouldn't have. Gwaine: *Puts it in Merlin's hair* Merlin: Arthur's going to get mad at you when he sees this. Gwaine: *Bending down to kiss Merlin's hand* I'm not scared of Princess. Later in Arthur's chambers. Arthur: Take it off. Merlin: *Smirking* Fucking make me.
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theroundbartable · 2 years ago
Merlin: I won't be serving you tonight. I'll send Morris up to bring you dinner.
Arthur: what are you up to?
Merlin: oh, you know... Things
Arthur: who is Things?
Merlin: what? No one is things. I just have something personal to deal with.
Arthur:... Are you going to the tavern?
Merlin: what- No!
Arthur: it can't be herbs, you went yesterday and no one was sick today.
Merlin: if you really wanna know, i'm taking care of my DAUGHTER, now shut up and go train.
Arthur: *stunned* your WHAT?
Merlin: bye
Arthur: no, wait, Merlin!!!! What do you mean, daughter?!??
The daughter is Aithusa.
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earlgreyinpajamas · 2 years ago
merthur fic recs: jealous!arthur
1. Kiss Me Once by Camelots_Daffodil (@camelots-daffodil)
Someone spreads a rumour claiming that a kiss from Emrys is worth immeasurable good luck to any sorcerer so lucky to share one. Unfortunately for Merlin, no one bothered to tell him about it.
Arthur, and the court of Camelot, will have to improvise in order to save Merlin from the kingdom's ill-fated romantic pursuits.
Written for Merlin Bing 2023 - Improvisation
hgkhfh you gotta love this take
2. the desire beneath by insane_falcon (@insane-ohwhyfandoms)
Merlin and Arthur have been best friends through high school and university, where they eventually add benefits to their friendship. Which is where everything goes wrong—a small taste of something more that leaves them both literally starting to die for more.
i am screaming!!! the mutual pining!! the mutual jealousy!!!
3. Rumor Has It by vintagelilacs (@vintagelilacs)         
A visiting dignitary impugns Merlin’s character. Arthur does not handle it well.
“He implied you were bedding me.” Arthur raked a frustrated hand through his hair. “It’s an attack on my honour as well. As if I would bed someone who was unwilling!”
Merlin was only half-listening to the tirade, and was therefore only distantly aware of himself responding, “Who says I’d be unwilling?”
i SCREAMED!!! it’s so well written i cannot
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hablaconella · 1 year ago
does anyone have any fic recs similar to closure for the rich and famous?
some tropes featured:
closeted arthur
jealous arthur/merlin
arthur groveling for forgiveness and merlin not giving it easy
some sort of cheating/miscommunication/betrayal from arthur
preferably at least 5k words long. it’s one of my fav fics ever. any suggestions are appreciated im desperate and have read so many fics i’ve scraped through the bottom of the barrel and i’m digging through cement at this point.
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submissivelywritten · 1 year ago
“We’re hunting,” Arthur reminds him, eyes glued to Merlin’s backside.
“You’re hunting. I have no weapon, and Gaius needs feverfew. Two birds. One stone.” Merlin’s slow to straighten and when he does he looks over his shoulder right into Arthur’s eyes, and asks, “Or am I distracting you, m’lord?”
There’s something in Merlin’s voice that makes Arthur’s insides melt like candle wax. He chokes on his own saliva, and after an embarrassing amount of coughing and hacking manages to choke out, “How could you distract me ?”
And so, because Arthur refuses to admit that he can’t tear his eyes off Merlin’s backside long enough to sight a deer, they spend the entire day walking in circles.
Rated E - fluffy, jealous, pwp, smut
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justaz · 5 months ago
in the beginning of their relationship, arthur is possessive and jealous and gets annoyed at the smallest bit of attention merlin gives anyone that isn’t him. but after arthur realizes just how devoted merlin is to him? he never doubts merlin’s love, he never fears that someone could steal him from him. he sees merlin compromise his own morals and stand against his own friends for arthur and arthur is just like Oh. because merlin is completely and utterly his. there’s quite literally no one else for either of them.
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quinnoliver · 8 months ago
I knew Merlin would trend in June because it does so every year. They are gays, my honour.
Visiting noble: *checks out Merlin*
Arthur: *almost rips the peace treaty*
Knights: *sweating profusely*
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boggywitchin · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Additional Tags: Jealous Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Experienced Merlin (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Clubbing, College, Drinking, Protective Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Dom Merlin vibes, Sub Arthur vibes, Begging, Making Out, Grinding, Hair-pulling, Neck Kissing, Biting, Arthur will cut a bitch, Arthur ignores his date, Is Merlin doing this on purpose?, quite possibly, Leather Collar, This better not awaken anything in me, Take me back to your place, everyone is bi, Overbearing Arthur, Foreplay/no plot Summary:
Arthur shouldn't be feeling jealous of everyone Merlin talks to at the club, he shouldn't be pushing Merlin up against walls, nor should he be fantasizing about Merlin teaching him how to beg, and yet here he is, doing all three.
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eyra-j-nee · 2 years ago
ISO merlin fic
Just throwing this into the universe on the off chance someone remembers it.
But I’m looking for a merlin/Arthur fic, it is a modern au and Merlin worked for Arthur. He quit and Arthur tries to contact him and get him to come back but gwen and the rest of the HR department are on Merlin’s side.
At one point arthur knocks on Merlin’s door and sees a shirtless guy and assumes he is Merlin’s boyfriend (I think his name was owain) but it was just his cousin.
I believe that Arthur ended up offering Merlin a job with really high pay because Merlin had been doing the work anyways. I think it was on live journal but it could have been another site!
If anyone remembers this please let me know!
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oh-merthur-charm · 11 months ago
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Merwaine comic.
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earlgreyinpajamas · 2 years ago
Any more love spell or fake dating fic recs for merthur? :)
love spell
Kiss Me Now (Kiss Me Forever) by pendragonally (@pendragon-ally)
When is a love spell not a love spell? When it’s just Arthur trying (and failing) to express his feelings— not that Merlin knows this, of course. Figuring it out leads to more than one revelation.
technically not a love spell fic, but also,, like merlin i was also firmly on the oh yeah he's enchanted camp dhfadjlhk so im counting it
2. Book Of Love by messandahalf (@messandahalf10)
Arthur has just lifted the ban on magic, and despite having Merlin around to answer his questions, he decides to try to do some research on his own. Books on magic are scarce in the castle, so he digs around in the library alone one night. What he ends up reading has some… interesting consequences.
love spell makes arthur obsess over his true love. hmmm wonder who that is
3. Call It True Love by orphan_account
Arthur falls under the effects of a love potion. Merlin has a headache.
adfhjkhfd poor lancelot
fake relationship
I Want Love, I Want Us, I Want Peace by InkThroughHerVeins (@ink-through-her-veins)
The Queens of Albion throw a ball every year for noble families to introduce their eligible sons and daughters. Except Camelot doesn’t officially have a queen. So, Arthur makes Merlin help with the planning.
Written for Merthur Week 2022. Each chapter uses one day’s prompts.
merlin being queen before even being queen!!!
2. For You, For Me by Camelots_Daffodil (@camelots-daffodil)
Merlin and Arthur are taken captive by a slaver with slightly deranged tendencies, and in order to save Merlin's life, Arthur claims that he is his consort. Their captor decides he wants to test the strength of Arthur's love for his supposed consort.
Written for Merlin Bingo 2022: Misunderstandings
fake relationship for a cause!!
3. Charting Stars On A Stained Glass Ceiling by mornmeril (@mornmeril)
Merlin leads a relatively content life - or as content as is possible under the rule of a magic-hating King. When the arrogant son of said magic-hating King starts becoming a regular at his coffee shop, Merlin is a little puzzled. When said Prince prat then proceeds to ingest a love potion on Merlin's watch that results in him having to move into the Royal Palace as Prince Arthur's (fake) boyfriend, Merlin wonders which deity he has angered. Things only get more complicated from there.
“Welcome to The Drip and Grind, what can I get for you?" “The same thing I always have,” Prince Arthur says, sounding vaguely disdainful and unbearably posh. “One would think you’d remember my order by now." Merlin scowls. He remembers His Haughtiness’ order perfectly well, but sees no reason to inflate an already unbearably large ego. “You’re not my only customer,” Merlin keeps his voice coolly polite; barely. “You realise that’s not the proper way to address me?” And is that a smirk at the corner of the stupid prat’s, stupidly gorgeous mouth? “Apologies, your High-and-Mightiness. Now do you think you can tell me your order or must I divine it from my crystal ball?”
excellent, spectacular, life changing, loml
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